gas fee (3)

Crypto News: Decentraland Music Festival, Visa Crypto, Ethereum EIP-1559 Hard Fork

Coachella won’t be back until 2022 but virtual music festivals could fill the gap until the world returns to normal. In just a second we’ll explain how an upcoming Decentraland festival is going to work and what kind of NFTs you can get f...

Jacob Enderson · 10 July 2021 · 93

Ethereum EIP 1559 explained, US infrastructure bill goes after crypto

Good news first, EIP 1559 is live and the Ethereum  network has already burned a couple of thousand   ETH. That happened fast! We’ll tell  you everything you need to know   about EIP 1559 and how it could affect th...

Alex · 08 August 2021 · 76

Exploring the Hypothetical: Fast Gas - A New Frontier in Culinary Efficiency

In the ever-evolving landscape of culinary technology, a hypothetical innovation emerges — Fast Gas. Envisioned as a revolutionary culinary asset, Fast Gas aims to transform the way chefs approach food preparation and kitchen operations. This hypothetical concept integrates cutting-edge gas-related technology, purportedly designed to expedit...

Ghulam Shabeer · 21 December 2023 · 1